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Detection Privacy Policy Brazil K9
This Privacy Policy aims to demonstrate DETECCION BRAZIL K9's
commitment to the privacy and protection of the Personal Data it collects
from You, establishing the rules on the collection, registration, storage, use,
sharing, enrichment and elimination of your data collected, within the
scope of DBK9 's services and functionalities in accordance with current
laws, with transparency and clarity for you and the market in general.
As a condition for accessing and using the exclusive features of the
Platform, you declare that you have read this Privacy Policy completely
and carefully, being fully aware, thus granting your free and express
agreement with the terms stipulated herein, authorizing the obtaining of
the data and information mentioned here, as well as their use for the
purposes specified below. If you do not comply with these Guidelines, you
must discontinue access.
1.1. Collection of personal data. The data is collected based on your
voluntary adherence to the use of the Platform, in addition to data
collected automatically, and includes:
Identify and
authenticate you.
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number; email ; billing
Serve you! Comply with
obligations arising from
the use of the Platform’s
To create a consumer
profile and carry out
advertising for
Deteccion’s offers and
services Brazil K9,
whenever possible,
anonymously .
Protect you! Carry out
fraud prevention, credit
protection and
associated risks,
compliance with legal
and regulatory
obligations and contract
IP Address and Source
Logical Port; records of
interactions with the
Platform; screens
accessed; device
(operating system
version; geolocation .
Comply with legal
obligations! Comply with
the obligation
established by the Marco
Civil da Internet - Law no.
established by the Marco
Civil da Internet - Law no.
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Protect you! Carry out
fraud prevention, credit
protection and
associated risks,
compliance with legal
and regulatory
obligations and contract
1.2 Data sharing hypotheses. Collected Data and recorded activities may
be shared:
1. With competent judicial, administrative or governmental authorities,
whenever there is a legal determination, request, requisition or court
2. Automatically, in the case of corporate movements, such as
mergers, acquisitions and incorporations;
3. With partner companies and authorized suppliers to meet the
purposes stated in this Policy, such as photography service
providers, extracurricular activities, transportation; It is
4. With companies from the Detection Group Brazil K9, always in
compliance with the security and Data protection guidelines and
to meet the purposes of this Policy.
1.2.1. In these cases, Detection Brazil K9 will share the minimum amount
of information necessary to achieve its purpose.
1.3. Subcontracting. The Detection Brazil K9 may subcontract the data
processing and storage service (Data Operator), so that you ARE AWARE
of the access and processing of Personal Data by third parties, service
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providers, whose purpose is to ensure the efficiency of services. to be
1.3.1. The Detection Brazil K9 undertakes to subcontract data
processing and storage services only to companies with the
respective specialty, guaranteeing all the rights of the Data Holder
and imposing rules and responsibilities on the subcontracted
1.4. Data Security. The Detection Brazil K9 will make its best efforts to
protect information, applying the administrative and technical protection
measures necessary and available at the time, demanding from its
suppliers the same acceptable level of Information Security, based on
best market practices, based on clauses contractual.
1.5. Storage servers. The collected data will be stored on Deteccion 's own
servers Brazil K9 located in Brazil, as well as in an environment using
resources or servers in the cloud ( cloud computing ), which entails, in the
latter case, transfer or processing of data outside Brazil, complying with
provisions on international data transfer in accordance with article 33 of
the General Data Protection Law or other applicable standards.
1.6. Data veracity. The Detection Brazil K9 is not responsible for the
accuracy, veracity or lack thereof of the information provided by you or
for its outdatedness, or for the documents sent, and you are responsible
for providing it accurately and/or updating it.
1.6.1. The Detection Brazil K9 is not obliged to process or treat any of
your data if there is reason to believe that such processing or
treatment could result in any violation of any applicable law by the
companies or that the Platform is being used, under the sole
discretion of Deteccion Brazil K9, for any illegal, illicit or contrary to
morality purposes.
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1.6.2. Technologies used. The Detection Brazil K9 may make use of
technologies such as cookies, and it is up to you to configure your
internet browser if you wish to block them. In this case, some
Platform functionalities may be limited.
1.6.3. All technologies used will always comply with current
legislation and the terms of this Policy.
1.7. Third party links . It is important to highlight that, once on the Platform,
you may be led, between link, to portals or other platforms, which may
collect your information and have their own Privacy Policy, and it is up to
you to read them or reject them.
1.8. Consent changes. You may change your consent grants, grant new
permissions or request the revocation of your consent for current
permissions through Deteccion 's Service Channels Brazil K9, being warned
of the consequences that withdrawing consent may cause.
1.9. Data base. The database formed through data collection is the
property and responsibility of Deteccion Brazil K9, and its use, access and
sharing, when necessary, will be within the limits and purposes described
in this Policy.
1.10. Access to the database. Access to processed data is restricted only
to professionals duly authorized by Deteccion Brazil K9, and its use, access
and sharing, when necessary, will be in accordance with the purposes
described in this Policy.
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2.1. Data storage. The Personal Data collected and activity records are
stored in a secure and controlled environment for the period required by
law, considering:
During the period in
which they are relevant
to achieving the
purposes listed in this
Art. 7 of the LGPD and Art.
6 of the GDPR.
(Compliance with
contract between the
6 months
Art. 15, Civil Rights
Framework for the
Other data
As long as the
relationship lasts and
there is no request for
deletion or revocation
of consent
Art. 9, Section II of the
General Personal Data
Protection Law
2.2. Data deletion. The data may be deleted before this period, if you
request. However, it may happen that the data needs to be kept for a
longer period, in accordance with article 16 of the General Law on the
Protection of Personal Data, to comply with a legal or regulatory
obligation, compliance with the contract, study by a research body
(ensuring, when possible, the anonymization of Personal Data), transfer to
a third party (respecting the data processing requirements set out in the
same law). After the deadline and legal necessity, they will be deleted
using safe disposal methods, or used anonymously for statistical purposes.
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3.1. Data display and rectification. You can request the display or
rectification of your Personal Data through the Service Channels.
3.2. Limitation, opposition and deletion of data. Through the Service
Channels, it will also be possible to:
request limitation and anonymization of the use of Personal Data;
express your opposition to the use of Personal Data;
request the deletion of your Personal Data, as long as the minimum
legal period related to data storage has elapsed; or
claim data portability to another service provider in the same field,
upon express request, in accordance with the regulations of the
national authority.
3.2.1. If you withdraw your consent for purposes that are fundamental
to the regular functioning of the Platform, the services and
functionalities may become unavailable to you.
4.1. Your rights as holder of personal data may be exercised directly by
you, through the management of registration information, while another
party will depend on sending a request on email:
barbosapedrottiadv@gmail.com for subsequent evaluation and
adoption of the necessary measures.
4.2. The User is aware that any request to delete essential information for
managing their registration with Deteccion Brazil K9 will result in the
termination of your contractual relationship, with the consequent
cancellation of the services then provided.
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4.3. The Detection Brazil K9 will make all reasonable efforts to respond to
requests made by Users in the shortest possible time. However, justifiable
factors, such as the complexity of the requested action, may delay or
prevent its rapid response, being certain that, in the event of delay, the
due reasons will be provided.
4.4. Finally, the User must be aware that their request may be legally
rejected, whether for formal reasons (such as their inability to prove their
identity) or legal reasons (such as the request for deletion of data whose
maintenance is a free exercise of rights by Detection Brazil K9 , given that,
in the event of it being impossible to meet these requests, Deteccion Brazil
K9 will present reasonable justifications.
5.1. Data Officer. For all data processing purposes, as provided in
articles 5, item VIII and 41, §1 of the General Personal Data Protection Law,
declares Deteccion Brazil K9 has a data handler and can be contacted
through the Service Channels available on the website .
5.2. Update of Terms. The Detection Brazil K9 reserves the right to change
the content of this Privacy Policy at any time, according to the purpose or
need, such as for adequacy and legal compliance with a provision of law
or standard that has equivalent legal force, and it is your responsibility to
verify it. whenever you access the Platform.
5.2.1. In the event of updates to this document that require new
collection of consent, Deteccion Brazil K9 will notify you using the
contact details you provided.
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5.3. Service channels. If you have any questions regarding the provisions
contained in this Privacy Policy, you may contact Deteccion Brazil K9 on
email: legaldepartment@dbk9.com.br
5.4. Nullity. If any provision of this Privacy Policy is considered illegal or
illegitimate by the authority of the location in which you reside or your
internet connection, the other conditions will remain in full force and
5.5. Communication. You acknowledge that all communication carried
out by email (to the addresses provided in your registration), SMS, instant
communication applications or any other digital and virtual form are also
valid as documentary evidence, being effective and sufficient for the
disclosure of any matter that refers to the services provided by Deteccion
Brazil K9, as well as the conditions of its provision or any other matter
addressed therein, except for the expressly different provisions set out in
this Privacy Policy.
6.1. Applicable law and forum. This Privacy Policy will be interpreted in
accordance with Brazilian legislation, in the Portuguese language, with
the jurisdiction of the District of Curitiba being elected to resolve any
dispute or controversy involving this document, unless there is a specific
exception regarding personal, territorial or functional jurisdiction under the
applicable legislation.
7. DPO
7.1. The data controller also called DPO (Data Protection Officer) is
the person responsible to act as a communication channel between
Deteccion Brazil K9 and data subjects. The person appointed as DPO of
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Detection Brazil K9 is Jusconnect Soluções Empresariais LTDA, regularly
registered with the CNPJ under 45.660.624/0001-73, with electronic
8.1. We reinforce our commitment to the highest standards of ethics and
compliance in all of our operations. Integrity is a core value that guides
our approach to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our
customers' and users' data.
8.2. Our company adopts a "Manual of Ethical and Business Conduct,
Compliance and Anti-Corruption" as an integral part of our organizational
culture. The Ethical Conduct Manual establishes clear guidelines for the
appropriate and responsible conduct of our employees, partners and
other parties involved in our operations.
8.3. It is imperative that everyone involved with our company
understands and adheres to the Ethical Conduct Manual. This includes,
but is not limited to, our employees, contractors, suppliers and business
partners. The Ethical Conduct Manual defines expectations related to
integrity, business ethics, prevention of corruption and compliance with all
applicable laws and regulations.
8.4. In particular, we emphasize the importance of complying with
applicable data privacy laws and regulations, which are fundamental to
protecting the privacy of our customers and users. Our employees and
partners must be aware of their responsibilities with regards to data
security and privacy and must follow all relevant policies and procedures.
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8.5. The Ethical Conduct Handbook also highlights the need to report
any violations of ethics, compliance, or any privacy-related concerns. We
encourage everyone involved with our company to report any activity
that may be in violation of the Ethical Conduct Manual or our data
protection commitments.
8.6. When using our services or interacting with our company, you
acknowledge and agree with the importance of complying with the
Manual of Ethical and Business Conduct, Compliance and Anti-
Corruption. We are committed to promoting a culture of integrity and
protecting your privacy. For any questions, concerns, or reports of
violations, please contact us using the contact information provided in this
privacy policy.
9.1. Our company, dedicated to detecting explosives and narcotics
using sniffer dogs, values transparency and compliance with data privacy
regulations. As part of our services, it is necessary to record inspections
carried out on vessels to ensure the safety and integrity of our customers
and their operations.
9.2. As established in the LGPD (General Data Protection Law) in Brazil
and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in the European
Union, we are committed to ensuring that the collection, storage and
processing of personal data occurs lawfully, fair and transparent, based
on the following legal foundations:
1. Contract Execution (Article 7, item V of the LGPD and Article 6(1)(b)
of the GDPR): The collection and storage of videos and data related
to the inspection of vessels are necessary for the execution of
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contracts concluded with our customers. This includes allowing
vessel owners to track inspections carried out at their facilities.
2. Legitimate Interest (Article 7, item IX of the LGPD and Article 6(1)(f)
of the GDPR): We have a legitimate interest in maintaining visual
records of inspections to ensure the effectiveness of our services, as
well as to ensure security and integrity operations related to the
detection of explosives and narcotics.
3. Legal Obligation (Article 7, item II of the LGPD and Article 6(1)(c) of
the GDPR): In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, we
are obliged to keep records of inspections for safety, regulatory and
legal purposes.
9.3. Videos recorded during explosive and narcotics detection
inspections are securely stored in our system and are only accessible by
vessel owners or their authorized representatives. These videos will not be
shared with third parties without the explicit consent of the vessel owners,
except when required by law.
9.4. Videos recorded during inspections will be retained for the period
necessary to comply with our contractual, legal and regulatory
obligations. After the end of this period, the videos will be duly deleted.
9.5. According to data protection laws, you have the right to access,
correct or delete your personal data, including recorded videos (Article
18 of the LGPD and Article 17 of the GDPR). To exercise these rights or to
obtain more information about our privacy practices, please contact us
using the contact information provided in this privacy policy.
9.6. Thank you for choosing our services. We are committed to
protecting your privacy and complying with all legal data protection
obligations. If you have any questions or concerns regarding privacy or
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the use of videos during inspections, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Your safety and trust are of utmost importance to us.
10.1. For the purposes of this document, the following definitions and
descriptions should be considered for better understanding:
Personal Data: information relating to an identified or identifiable
natural person;
Cloud Computing : or cloud computing, is service virtualization
technology built from the interconnection of more than one server
through a common information network (example: internet), with
the aim of reducing costs and increasing availability of supported
Platform: designates the electronic address
legaldepartment@dbk9.com.br and its subdomains;
Person in charge: person appointed by the controller and operator
to act as a communication channel between the controller, data
subjects and the National Data Protection Authority;
Controller: natural or legal person, governed by public or private
law, who is responsible for decisions regarding the processing of
Personal Data;
Operator: natural or legal person, governed by public or private
law, who processes Personal Data on behalf of the controller;
National authority: Public Administration body responsible for
ensuring, implementing and monitoring compliance with the
General Data Protection Law throughout the national territory;
Cookies : files sent by the Detection server Brazil K9 for your mobile
device or desktop , with the purpose of identifying the device and
obtaining access data, thus allowing you to personalize your
navigation on the Platform, according to your profile;
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IP: abbreviation for Internet Protocol . It is an alphanumeric set that
identifies your device on the internet; It is
You: natural or legal person who accesses and/or uses the
Platform’s functionalities.